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  • Renew CDRP Membership

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    Welcome back!

    We look forward to another productive, educational, supportive and collaborative year together!

    Please be sure to review the conditions of Membership listed at the end of this page. Contact the Membership Chair(s) if you have any questions.

    Please complete the form below with any Member Profile changes you would like to make. If you have a new Profile Image, kindly send it to the Administrator at [email protected]. As a benefit to your membership, your Profile information will be included on our website and our Membership List as a resource for potential clients.

    Renew online:

    $195 via Paypal to [email protected].


    Please contact our 2024-2025 Membership Co-Chairs:

    Wendy Moyers

    Cherise Williams

    By submitting this form via this web portal, you acknowledge and accept the risks of communicating your health information via this unencrypted email and electronic messaging and wish to continue despite those risks. By clicking "Yes, I want to submit this form" you agree to hold Brighter Vision harmless for unauthorized use, disclosure, or access of your protected health information sent via this electronic means.

    As a condition of continued membership in Collaborative Dispute Resolution Professionals, I certify that I will:

    1. Comply with all rules and procedures of CDRP as the organization evolves

    2. Attend a minimum of two CDRP general educational meetings per year, as well as an additional Collaborative event

    3. Maintain my membership in the IACP as long as I am a member of CDRP

    4. Pay annual CDRP membership due

    5. Within one (1) year of joining I will complete at least thirty (30) hours mediation training in client-centered, facilitative conflict resolution, of the kind typically taught in an interest-based, narrative, or transformative mediation training program

    6. Complete at least eight hours every two years of further training in Collaborative Practice or areas that support the principles of Collaborative Practice such as communication skills, advanced collaborative training beyond the minimum 16 hours of basic training, advanced mediation training, advanced professional coach training, etc. I understand that four of the eight hours can be completed by doing pro bono collaborative cases through the Collaborative Project of Maryland.