Contact Information
Firm Name: National Family Resiliency Center
Address: 451 Hungerford Drive, #225, Rockville, Maryland 20850
Phone: 301-384-0079
Fax: 301-596-1677
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: http://www.nfrchelp.org
Learn More
Risa Garon is a trained child specialist and coach in collaborative divorce practice groups in Montgomery and Howard counties. She is a licensed clinical social worker, board certified diplomate and certified family life educator. Risa has served on the collaborative board of directors in Montgomery County and continues to support the values and process of collaborative law. Risa is currently a member of both the National Association of Family and Conciliatory Courts (AFCC) and the Maryland Chapter of AFCC. Risa serves on the Maryland AFCC Board of Directors.
As founder and executive director of the National Family Resiliency Center, Ms. Garon works with children, teens and adults. Ms. Garon and her staff have developed a child focused decision-making model that helps parents make decisions about the best interests of their children, and builds a trusting and constructive co parent relationship. Risa and her staff provide training programs to other professionals—judges, mediators, school that support families through transitions using the Child and Family Focused Decision-Making Model.
The National Family Resiliency Center is a comprehensive center devoted to helping families through transitions. Believing in a team approach with services and programs customized to meet the unique needs of each family, NFRC staff offers play therapy, individual, couple, separation, divorce, reconciliation and blended family counseling. Therapy groups for women, men and separate age appropriate groups for children and teens helps to normalize a difficult period in an individual and family’s life.
Risa and the NFRC staff work with many parents to help them make child focused decisions, complete parent plans that parents can then bring to attorneys, mediators and or court.